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Nykk with book

Nicholas "Nykk" Andrews

Nicholas Andrews is an American author. He has written and performed for Ronin Fox Trax releases under the name "Nykk" referencing his online handle and a long standing nickname and inside joke between him and childhood friends. He currently lives in his home state of Ohio.


A nearly lifelong friend of Ronin Fox Trax founder, James Cruise, Nicholas became exposed to movie riffing in Jr. High and High School. After James started recording riffs, though they lived in different states at the time (Nicholas in Ohio, James in Colorado) Nicholas was immediately listed as a wanted co-riffer. Nicholas co-wrote and performed on A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 with James, labeling it in the introduction as "Ronin Fox Trax and Nykkriffs." To date, Nicholas hasn't released a standalone riff, but keeps the option open.

Ronin Fox Trax's release of The Last Unicorn was inspired by the experience of James showing Nicholas the movie for the first time while they were roommates. It was years before either of them recorded any riffs, but they both found themselves riffing in real time. This became a tradition between them for awhile, riffing anything they could find on tv.

The Wizard of Oz, featuring Ronin Fox and Nykk won the second vote-in contest for top iRiffs on the RiffTrax forum.

Nicholas also provides the voice of The BS 1000, the sync voice used in the riffs of A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and The Wizard of Oz.

Nicholas has published several fantasy novels and short stories. He has running series under the titles The Law of Eight, The Adventurers, and The Thrillseekers: Cadets of Gauntlet.



See Also[]

External links[]

Author Nicholas Andrews Website
