The Film Crew was the name of a movie-riffing project featuring MST3K alums Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy that was intended for straight-to-DVD release through Rhino Home Video, but eventually released by Shout! Factory.
Mike, Kevin and Bill play three men hired by Mr. Honcho from Shout! to give commentary tracks to movies that don't have them. Unlike Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Film Crew does not have any silhouettes over the movie and roles from MST3K are not reprised.
As the concept seemed all-too-similar to Mystery Science Theater 3000, Jim Mallon, the rights holder for MST3K, threatened to stop licensing episodes of the original show to Rhino if they decided to back The Film Crew. Rhino opted to discontinue the project, but not before a total of 4 episodes were made featuring the films:
These movies are being released on as part of Film Crew February in 2016.